RUCK v MISSISSAUGA -- Appeal Hearing Synopsis
Osgoode Hall, Toronto Lorraine Johnson, a stalwart advocate for the Urban Rewilding Movement in Ontario and Canada, attended today's Hearing at the Ontario Court of Appeal and provided this synopsis of developments ... For the evolving case of RUCK v MISSISSAUGA, check out the info at: where developments are regularly posted. Lorraine Johnson p r n d t s e o S o h h 7 h a 9 0 h 6 u m a 7 f h 4 g 1 5 a 8 u l i c g g i i 9 2 2 9 m l 3 1 3 6 m 8 m g f 6 0 a 9 4 c · A significant victory today in the legal effort to reform grass and weeds bylaws and to bring sanity to enforcement of these bylaws. Wolf Ruck of Mississauga was in the Ontario Court of Appeal today, arguing that Mississauga’s enforcement actions against his naturalized garden—including two complete mowings of his yard—were unjustified, arbitrary, and unfair under Administrative law. Because Wolf’s case raised Constitutional issues, the three appeal cour...