LAWN RAGE - a Case for Change
In 1996, the Ontario Court of Justice ruled municipal Tall Grass and Weeds By-Laws to be void, invalid, unenforceable and in contravention of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms which guarantees Freedom of Expression [Ref. Bell v. Toronto (City)]. Yet, the City of Mississauga Council "deems tall grass and weeds to be a public nuisance" and continues to enforce its Nuisance Weeds and Tall Grass Control By-Law 125-2017 on homeowner private property based solely on "Anonymous Neighbour Complaints". As Canada's 29th "Bee City”, Mississauga’s stated commitment “to support pollinators and their habitats” and advising homeowners that, "By planting pollinator friendly plants in your garden you can help enhance habitat for insects that pollinate wildflowers and food crops", is self-contradictory virtue signaling when the City's Enforcement Division cites homeowners under By-Law 125-2017 for the wildlife-friendly tall grass and weeds growing on ...