
Showing posts from May, 2023

New Polling Data on Cycling in Ontario

68% of Ontarians Cycling Occasionally While 3.2 Million Ontarians (22%) Are Daily Cyclists HELLO, Mayor Crombie and Councillor Dasko ??? ... What's with the inordinate delays in fulfilling the much-hyped City of Mississauga’s Pedestrian, Cycling and Active Transportation Master Plans promising CONNECTED, CONVENIENT, COMFORTABLE and SAFE Walking, Biking and Rolling infrastructure for people of all ages and walks of life in our Lakeview-Mississauga community, like the 2010-planned, 2018-approved, designed and 2019 scheduled Bridge connecting Orchard Heights Park to the Etobicoke Creek Trail ??? ... (HAMILTON – May 1, 2023) – The Share the Road Cycling Coalition (The Coalition) Ontario’s cycling advocacy and policy organization today released province-wide polling data at the opening of the 15th annual Ontario Bike Summit. The data outlines that there is a high prevalence of cycling amongst Ontarians, that the majority of Ontarians want to cycle more often, and that increased inve...

You Get What You Voted For - Lakeview Village & Doug Ford's MZO

"Furious Mississauga councillors lament MZO that ‘detonated’ years of planning" Sad, but Councillor Dasko's "disappointment" at Doug Ford's bait-and-switch maneuver is not a little ironic given that, contrary to pre-election promises, Councillor Dasko himself issued the same DIKTAT by single-handedly "with the stroke of a pen" cancelling the City of Mississauga's 2010-2018 planned, approved, financed and 2019 scheduled OH Park Foot-Bike Bridge construction based on the OHHA Board's sham 2021 "Survey" which was staged AFTER the results of TWO previous surveys conducted by the City of Mississauga and Councillor Dasko himself showed a majority IN FAVOUR of the CONNECTED, CONVENIENT, COMFORTABLE and SAFE OH Park Foot-Bike Bridge to Etobicoke Creek Trail promised in the City of Mississauga Cycling and Pedestrian Master Plans ... (see https://or...

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