DECEIT BY OMISSION? - OH Park Bridge Documents Raise Questions

FOI Documents
In Chronological Order

Copies of email correspondence with attached documents have been received pursuant to a Freedom Of Information (FOI) request registered with the City of Mississauga in October 2022. Their content gives rise to serious questions in regard to the rationale and validity of the City’s decision to put the 2018-approved-and-funded and 2019-scheduled OH Park Foot-Bike Bridge “on hold indefinitely and revisited in future”. Specifically:

1.     The City of Mississauga’s January 25-February 15, 2021 Orchard Heights Park Public Engagement Survey Results, together with Councillor Dasko’s May-June, 2021 “door knocking survey” confirmed that a majority of respondents were in favour of the bridge. (See Sharon Chapman’s emails below)

On what basis was the subsequent May-June, 2021  Orchard Heights Homeowners Association “in-house” OHP Bridge Survey (designed, conducted, analyzed and reported on by a member of the OHHA Board) warranted?

On what basis was Councillor Dasko’s July 9, 2021 request to City of Mississauga Park Planning staff to pre-emptively “put all plans for this on hold warranted, given that the OHHA July 14, 2021 OHP Bridge Survey Report had not been released for consideration and scrutiny by Orchard Heights residents?

2.   Substantial flaws in the OHHA Board’s “in-house” July 14, 2021 OHP Bridge Survey Report were identified, documented and communicated to the OHHA Board, Orchard Heights residents and Councillor Dasko via Wolf Ruck’s September 4, 2021 post on the OHHA Facebook Group Page. (See Orchard Heights Park - Foot/Bike Bridge - OHHA Survey Issues)

On what basis were the OHHA Board’s “in-house” July 14, 2021 OHP Bridge Survey Report survey results deemed valid for consideration and warranted in the City’s decision to put the OH Park Foot-Bike Bridge “
on hold indefinitely and revisited in future”?

3.     On what basis were the OHHA “in-house” July 14, 2021 OHP Bridge Survey Report majority CON survey results deemed sufficient to outweigh the City of Mississauga’s majority PRO January 25-February 15, 2021 Orchard Heights Park Public Engagement Survey Results, together with Councillor Dasko’s May-June, 2021 “walk the block” majority PRO survey results, resulting in the City’s decision to put the OH Park Foot-Bike Bridge “on hold indefinitely and revisited in future”?

4.     Were the City of Mississauga’s January 25-February 15, 2021 Orchard Heights Park Public Engagement Survey Results, together with Councillor Dasko’s May-June, 2021 “walk the block” survey results, confirming a majority of respondents in favour of the bridge ever communicated to Orchard Heights Residents by the City of Mississauga, Councillor Dasko or the OHHA Board PRIOR to the subsequent May, 2021 OHHA Board “in-house” OHP Bridge Survey designed, conducted and analyzed by a member of the OHHA Board?

If not, why was this information omitted?

5.     Was there ever a public information session convened by the OHHA Board and Councillor Dasko PRIOR to conducting any surveys, wherein City planners and officials were available to provide a comprehensive overview of the OH Park Foot-Bike Bridge Project background, research and planning reflected in the 2010-2018 City of Mississauga’s official approved Master Cycling Plan, and to address any concerns voiced by some Orchard Heights residents on the OHHA Facebook Group Page?

If not, why was this information omitted?

6.     Given that 19% of respondents in the OHHA Board’s “in-house” July 14, 2021 OHP Bridge Survey Report were “NOT AWARE” of the 2018-approved-and-funded and 2019-scheduled OH Park Foot-Bike Bridge, and 11% were “NOT SURE”, on what basis is a 9% CON majority of the remaining 70% of respondents reported in the OHHA “in-house” survey results deemed valid, when 30% of respondents were unable to make an INFORMED decision?

7.     Was there any consideration given by the OHHA Board, Councillor Dasko and the City of Mississauga Parks Planning staff to the OH Park Bridge SWOT Analysis first shared on OHHA Facebook Group Pages on  February 5, 2021 and updated regularly to date, which comprises a chronological overview of the issues discussed to date by Orchard Heights residents on the OHHA private Facebook Group Page in regard to the Pedestrian / Cyclist Bridge connecting Orchard Heights Park in Mississauga and the Etobicoke Creek Trail and compiles the PROS, CONS and potential REMEDIES pertaining to the OH Park Bridge?

If not, why was this information omitted?

8.     NOTE: Since the Fall of 2021, virtually all of Wolf Ruck’s OH Park Bridge and Active Living infrastructure related FB posts, shares and comments have been censored (“Pending” or “Declined”) by admins of the OHHA Facebook Group Pages. This paternalistic and undemocratic measure has stifled tax-paying Orchard Heights Community residents’ free and open discussion of the PROS and CONS of long-overdue, planned, approved, financed and promised CONNECTED, CONVENIENT, COMFORTABLE and SAFE Active Living infrastructure, which affects the health, safety and quality of life of Mississauga-Lakeview residents of all ages and walks of life.   

Perforce, relevant information has been posted and shared on alternative platforms, namely, Orchard Heights Walk Run Bike & Roll (blog), Orchard Heights Walk Run Bike & Roll (private FB Group Page) and Lakeview Slow Rollers (public FB Group Page).

In addition, an on-line Petition to Build the Bridge has garnered 250+and-counting signatures to date.

Each submission automatically sends emails to Mississauga Mayor Crombie, Ward 1 Councillor Dasko and the Chair of Mississauga’s Cycling Committee.




From:             Sharon Chapman
Sent:              Thursday, April 8, 2021 3:40 PM
To:                  Stephen Dasko
Cc:                 Stefan Szczepanski; Jodi Robillos

Subject:         FW: Orchard Heights Public Engagement Summary - Follow up with Councilor Dasko
Attachments:Orchard Heights - Public Engagement Closing the Loop Summary.pdf

Good afternoon Councillor Dasko,

Further to our meeting on March 25th regarding the Orchard Heights Park Public Engagement Survey, please find attached a copy of the survey summary. Key messages and survey highlights are provided below for your use in sharing with the community.


The Orchard Heights survey requested resident feedback on how they currently use their community parks (Ron Searle Park and Orchard Heights Park) and potential future amenities for Orchard Heights Park. It was also an opportunity to gauge support for the pedestrian bridge proposed to connect Orchard Heights Park to the Etobicoke Creek Trail.


•        The majority of survey respondents were in favour of the pedestrian bridge proposed to connect Orchard Heights Park to the Etobicoke Creek Trail.

•        Some of the reasons expressed for supporting the bridge included, the ability to expand daily walking and running routes while avoiding the busy traffic on Dixie, improved cycling routes, improved connections to the Long Branch Go station and improved trail connections to the waterfront trail.

•       The results of this survey are consistent with the outcome of the Councillor’s “walk the block” which also showed that the majority of Orchard Heights residents support the bridge project.

•        Survey respondents’ most requested amenities/features for Orchard Heights Park were:

o Expanded natural areas

o Small walking Loop

o Seating area

o Children’s play feature

o Outdoor fitness equipment

•        Next step is to create an Orchard Heights Park Concept Plan incorporating top requested amenities and features.


Survey Stats:

•        The online survey ran for 21 days, January 25 - February 15, 2021

•        867 post cards were sent to residents in Orchard Heights neighbourhood

•        164 online surveys were completed

•        110 comments were captured on the Orchard Heights Bridge project

Survey Results:

•        The most preferred features of Ron Searle Park and Orchard Heights Park

o Open Green Space (145)

o Trees (142)

o Natural Area (137)

o Close to Etobicoke Creek (106)

•        Most requested amenities/features for Orchard Heights Park

o Expand natural areas (103)

o Small walking Loop (76)

o Seating area (58)

o Children’s play feature (51)

o Outdoor fitness equipment (49)

•        Preferred park experience for Orchard Heights Park

o Natural and green (71)

•        Feedback on the Orchard Heights Bridge Project through comments.

o 110 respondents provided a clear comment on the bridge project.

o 57 respondents supported the bridge project (52%)

o 53 respondents did not support the bridge project (48%)Please let me know if you have any questions.


Sharon Chapman BLA, OALA
Manager, Park Planning
T 905-615-3200 ext.5370
Mobile 905-815-2715
City of Mississauga | Community Services Department Parks, Forestry and Environment Division
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From:            Sharon Chapman <>
Sent:             Thursday, July 8, 2021 12:19 PM
To:                 Stephen Dasko <>
Cc:                 Stefan Szczepanski <>; Kathi Ross                        <>; Geoff Bayne <>

Subject:         Orchard Heights Project Update

Good afternoon Councillor Dasko,

Further to the email below regarding the results of the Orchard Heights Public Engagement Summary, we are pleased to provide a copy of the concept plan for Orchard Heights (attached).

Consistent with the survey findings (summary below), the attached concept plan prepared by Park Development, incorporates the following features in addition to a trail connection and bridge:

a.       Natural areas / existing tree protection

b.       Small walking Loop with distance markings and tricycle track

c.        Benches for seating

d.       Children’s natural play feature

e.       Outdoor fitness stations

The concept features listed above work well with the proposed bridge and turns an underutilized park space into a vibrant opportunity for this community to be active, connect with neighbours, take advantage of improved trail connections and enjoy the natural park setting.

Text Box: to undertake the bridge portion of

My understanding is that the local ratepayer group had also done a survey and their results were expected at the end of May. As you know, the survey results below indicated that the majority of survey respondents were in favour of the pedestrian bridge proposed to connect Orchard Heights to the Etobicoke Creek Trail.

the projectWe are wondering if you have any feedback from the local ratepayer survey that might help us to move forward.



Sharon Chapman BLA, OALA
Manager, Park Planning
T 905-615-3200 ext.5370
Mobile 905-815-2715
City of Mississauga | Community Services Department Parks, Forestry and Environment Division
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From:             Stephen Dasko
Date:              Friday, July 9, 2021 9:06 AM
To:                 Sharon Chapman
Cc:                 Stefan Szczepanski; Kathi Ross; Geoff Bayne; Angie Dell

RE:                Orchard Heights Project Update

Hi Sharon,

Thank you for your email and update.

The bridge as you know is one of a lot of contention in the community. Since the city’s survey the ratepayers have initiated a survey and the majority was actually against the bridge. I can share the data, also the ratepayer group will be coming back to me shortly.

At the moment please put all plans for this on hold.

Thank you, Stephen

Stephen Dasko
Councillor, Ward 1
T 905-896-5100| M 647-289-2922

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“Our Community is Our Home”
Ward 1

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From:              Sharon Chapman
Sent:               Thursday, December 2, 2021 9:05 AM
To:                  Jodi Robillos <>
Cc:                  Stefan Szczepanski <>

Subject:          Orchard Heights Briefing Note to Jodi - December 1 2021.docx

Hi Jodi,

Attached is a briefing note for the Orchard Heights Bridge project in preparation for our meeting with Councillor Dasko tomorrow.

The briefing not outlines the project background as well as two options for moving forward. Each option has process considerations and risks. The options covered include:

1.      Option #1 Delay the Project

2.      Option #2 Cancel the Project

Let me know if you have any questions or need any additional information.



Park Planning

Briefing Note

Prepared For:

Jodi Robillos, Commissioner of Community Services

Prepared By:

Sharon Chapman, Park Planning


Orchard Heights Bridge Project - Background and Options for Moving         Forward


December 2, 2021


Project Description and Purpose:

The proposed bridge would provide a new active transportation opportunity and connect multi use trail systems in Mississauga and Toronto via Orchard Heights Park and Etobicoke Valley ParkThe bridge crossing is identified as a connection opportunity in Mississauga’s Cycling Master Plan.

Project Background:

• P&B Section 37 Report - On November 12, 2013, P&B brought forward a S37 Report to PDC for a Windcatcher Development located on the southwest corner of Cawthra Road and Atwater Avenue with the following recommendations and comments:

o That $160,000 in S37 Community Benefits contribution be approved and that the owner enter into a S37 agreement with the City of Mississauga.

The Community Benefits contribution comprises $160,000 towards cycling facilities in the neighbouring area.

Written confirmation was provided by the owner confirming the contribution towards cycling faculties including but not limited to bike lanes in the neighbouring area of the proposed development.

o Section 37 Agreement provisions:

■    Contribution of $160,000.

■    Contribution to be used towards cycling facilities in the neighbouring area.

•        The Orchard Heights Bridge project was initiated by Councillor Tovey and Councillor Grimes in

•        CMS Transfer Report - On May 30, 2018, CMS brought forward a Corporate Report with the following recommendations and comments:

That the City of Mississauga partner with TRCA to share costs towards the construction of a bridge in Orchard Heights Park (P-019) to a maximum of $160,000.

That funds held in S37 reserve fund collected from Windcatcher Development in the amount of $160,000 be transferred to the Bridges & Underpasses Project Number 17307 to fund the construction of a bridge in Orchard Heights Park in partnership with TRCA.

The construction cost of the bridge is approximately $320,000. The TRCA will serve as the project lead for the construction of the bridge. The City of Mississauga can contribute 50% of the total project cost up to a maximum of $160,000.

•        Arrangement with TRCA / Toronto - agreement is verbal - there is no written agreement. Original meeting were it was agreed to move the project forward was with Paul Mitcham, C.Tovey, C. Grimes, Stef, Randy, and TRCA staff. The group verbally agreed to move forward with the project with a 50/50 cost share split.

•        Work completed to date:

TRCA hired consultants to undertake the required studies to analyse creek geomorphology and propose the best location to site the bridge.

The studies were completed in 2019.

City of Mississauga costs incurred to date are $26,950 in consulting fees in addition to staff time.

City of Toronto/ TRCA costs incurred to date are $26,950 in consulting fees in addition to staff time.

Consulting work is 70% complete. Various bridge lengths were investigated.
The final bridge design of abutments will be done contingent on final bridge abutment locations and soil

Public Engagement:

At the request of Councillor Dasko, an online survey was conducted in the Orchard Heights neighbourhood to seek feedback on Orchard Heights Park and the proposed Orchard Heights Bridge projectThis survey was coordinated by Park Planning. Survey results were as follows:

■    The survey ran from January 25 to February 15, 2021.

■    867 post cards were sent to residents in Orchard Heights

■    164 surveys were completed

■    110 comments were captured regarding the bridge project. 57 (52%) respondents supported the bridge project and 53 (48%) respondents did not support the bridge project.

Local ratepayer group initiated survey:

■    Survey timing was May 2021

■    On July 9, 2021 Councillor Dasko reported that the survey results indicated a majority of residents were against the bridge.

Councillor Dasko initiated survey:

■    The Councillor conducted his own door knocking survey.

■    Results of this survey were in favour of the bridge by a slight margin.

Option #1 - Delay the Project

•        Option Details:

Postpone the Project until after the municipal election scheduled for October 24, 2022

•        Process Considerations:

TRCA / Toronto - There is no timeline associated with the project. The project can proceed at a later date if required. Discussions with TRCA and City of Toronto will be required to ensure they

Text Box: 11are up to speed on project delays and new anticipated timelines.

S37 - No process impact to S37 funds.

Public Notification - Public notification that the project will proceed would be required closer to the time of construction. This notification would include an update on the park improvement plans for Orchard Heights Park.

Risk Considerations

Text Box: 11Construction costs will escalate and additional funding may be required. Original project costs of $320,000 were established in 2018.

No risk to S37 funds - funds can still be used if there is a project delay.

There is current documented community support for the bridge as a result of the public engagement outcomeCommunity support may change by the time the delayed project gets underway (change may be more in favour or less in favour).

Option #2 - Cancel the Project

•        Process Considerations:

Text Box: 11o TRCA / Toronto - Cancellation will require discussion with TRCA and City of Toronto.

S37 - P&B have confirmed that S37 funds will stay with the City in the event that this project is cancelled. Further discussion with T&W is required to advise that the funds would be available for another active transportation project. Corporate Finance has confirmed that regardless of whether T&W needs funds or not, the best approach is for CMS to return money via WIPS, if T&W needs the funds for another active transportation project, they will request funds through WIP. This process allows for both return of funds and potential request for funds get approved by Council.

Public Notification - public notification would be required to confirm project cancellation.

•        Risk Considerations

TRCA and /or City of Toronto may not support project cancellationThere maybe political implications for Councillor Grimes.

TRCA/ Toronto may expect City of Mississauga to reimburse TRCA for costs incurred to date being $26,950 in consulting fees in addition to possible staff time costs (staff time considerations tbc).

Text Box: 11City would lose funds spent to date being $26,950 in consulting fees in addition to possible staff time costs.


o P&B have confirmed that there is no risk to losing the S37 funds. Cancellation of the project does not result in funds going back to the Developer. Funds will stay with the City and can be reallocated to another active transportation project.

There is documented community support for the bridge as a result of the public engagement outcomeMembers of the public who support the bridge (over 50%) may question why the project is cancelled.

Orchard Heights Neighbourhood Survey: Key Findings

The Orchard Heights survey requested resident feedback on how they currently use their community parks (Ron Searle Park and Orchard Heights Park) and future amenities for Orchard Heights Park. It was also an opportunity to gauge support for the pedestrian bridge proposed to connect Orchard Heights Park to the Etobicoke Creek Trail.

Through a neighbourhood mailing and an online survey, residents were asked to:

•         Provide input on what type of park amenities are needed for Orchard Heights Park

•         Share ideas on what type of park experience residents wanted at Orchard Heights Park

•         Provide feedback on the Orchard Heights Bridge project

The online survey ran for 21 days from January 25 to February 15, 2021.

Highlights of the engagement include:

Survey stats

•         867 post cards were sent to residents in Orchard Heights

•         164 surveys completed

•         67% of respondents were between 36-64 years

•         35% have children between the ages of 0-12 living at home

•         Many respondents did note that they had grandchildren who visited them frequently

•         59% of respondents had lived in the area for 21+ years

•         110 comments captured on the Orchard Heights Bridge project

Survey questions

•         How often do you visit your community park?

•         Do you visit this park during the winter? Why?

•         What are the best features of these community parks?

•         Please choose your top three choices for possible future amenities at Orchard Heights Park

•         What type of experiences do you want to have at Orchard Heights Park?

•         Is there anything else you would like to tell us about Orchard Heights Park or the Orchard Heights bridge project

•         Please tell us about yourself (optional)

o How old are you

o Do you have children

o How long have you lived in Mississauga

Key findings

Frequency of visits to community parks

o 51% identified that they visit daily

o 26% identified that they visit weekly

•         Most preferred winter activity for existing parks

o Walking, dog walking, skating and tobogganing are the most preferred activities

o 89% of respondents visit the community parks during winter.

•         The most preferred features of Ron Searle Park and Orchard Heights Park

o Open Green Space (145)

o Trees (142)

o Natural Area (137)

Close to Etobicoke Creek (106)

•         Most requested amenities/features for Orchard Heights Park

o Expand natural areas (103)

o Small walking Loop (76)

o Seating area (58)

o Children’s play feature (51)

o Out door fitness equipment (49)

o Dog park (Leash free area) (38)

o 9-hole disk golf course (24)

Additional suggestions included: bridge to connect to Etobicoke trail, soccer goal posts, basketball courts, community garden, fire pit, naturalized areas, and bocce ball court.

•         Preferred park experience for Orchard Heights Park

o Natural and green (71)

•         Feedback on the Orchard Heights Bridge Project. Although there was no specific survey question about the bridge, the following feedback was received through the comments.

o 110 respondents provided a clear a response as to whether they supported the bridge project or not. 57 respondents supported the bridge project53 respondents did not support the bridge project.

More information on the impact (traffic, parking, crime stats, and increased pedestrian traffic) of the Dixie Mall development would assist some residents in feeling more comfortable with the bridge project.

Those that support the bridge wanted to connect to other parks, and trails. Respondents mentioned the connection will provide a safe route for children to access the Etobicoke Creek Trail, provide a more direct connection to the Go Train station, and elevate the neighbourhood’s appeal.

Those that opposed the bridge project had concerns about increased pedestrian traffic and crime, were unsure of how the Dixie Mall redevelopment would affect their neighbourhood, wished to preserve the quiet neighbourhood.

Sample key comments

The following comments are representative of feedback received in the survey, specifically as to why residents did or did not want the bridge.

104. My comments depend on whether this park would be meant mainly for OH residents use or open to the public which would attract many cars/traffic from outside. For us, I would like to see this area expanded with more open space for children & families to enjoy. A key factor present should be the pedestrian bridge to be in place so that the walkers, joggers, strollers, bikers & dog walkers can continue their outdoor experience on the creek side trails already in existence on the Etobicoke side. Playground equipment & nearby park benches would attract young families and a leash free dog park would be great if it could be accommodated. At this time, the park seems too overgrown (dark) & not open/welcoming for resident use. (Rumours abound about drug exchanges etc. currently happening). Perhaps the absence of a car parking lot down below would address any issues of “unwelcome” visitors & encourage more OH residents to use it. The bridge is long overdue & will be welcomed by young & old alike. And, sorry, but I just don’t buy the age old excuse that “the Aldeiwood area has a really high crime rate & they will all come over the bridge to rob us". Baloney - that is just a scare tactic to try to keep OH residents from voting for it. Many of the homes on the other side are in a higher price range now than ours are so perhaps they have to worry that we might be coming over to rob them! Our neighbourhoods have returned to young growing families & this park area could contain an abundance of ideas that would provide a really great recreational & family oriented oasis for usOne of my favourite memories that spurs on my wish for the bridge was a stroll that I was taking once and actually experienced the salmon spawning- swimming up Etobicoke Creek from the Lake & trying to leap the small waterfall part way up. You could almost reach out & touch them as they swam by. I never would have known this happens from our current park as you can’t see this area from our side. So add a possibility of outdoor education classes/experiences for our children to the plus side of having that bridge. Sorry for the very long response but I am REALLY in favour of this bridge!

105. Just build the bridge...! I want to see this badge. It would be great to connect to the Lake and Toronto trails with greater ease. We have waited so long for this to happen.

140. This project 
was never approved by the OHHA membership, in fact it was shot down several times. Then Jim Tovey brought it our AGM. According to the opener above he went ahead with it anyway. Shame on his legacy. I am certain media outlets would love to hear about the way this has been handled. With the looming Plan Dixie project and the massive increase of inhabitants we do not need an access point for even MORE traffic through our neighbourhood!

141. It 
would be wonderful to extend our daily walks by being able to walk along the creek on the Etobicoke side down to the waterfront without having to deal with the ever increasing traffic and noise on Dixie. This would also allow for much safer and pleasant bike route for us.

143. The 
bridge will only exacerbate and strain the tranquility we here in Orchard Heights are able to enjoy. The park is currently frequented by teenagers parking to have sex in their vehicles, smoke pot in the open, and often party in the woods. Opening up our neighbourhood to the Etobicoke side is a HUGE mistake and will invite cut through traffic, especially with the new Dixie Mall development. NO way this should be built.

144. I've 
seen empty drug packages and drug dealers in the parking lot. There are often cars parked driver side window to driver side window doing deals through their open windows. It’s not safe for unaccompanied women. I only go there if I'm in a group. Security cameras would be welcome. No need to build a leash-free area since residents already use the space and the rest of the neighbourhoood for their off-leash dogs. I often find unwelcome unsupervised leash-free dogs on my front yard. I’d welcome a bridge because it will increase traffic to that area and possibly scare a way the drug dealers. It would be nice to have pedestrian access to Sherway Gardens. Maybe if we have more strangers around, it would motivate people to keep their dogs and kids in their back yards instead of unsupervised and loose on the streets!


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