How disconnected bicycle routes are ruining the bike-friendliness of our cities

Intro by Shifter:
"If your city is like mine, there have been many initiatives over the years to improve its bike-friendliness, from painted bike lanes to pathways to separated bike lanes. But if you're city is really like mine then many of those routes remain islands unto themselves, disconnected from each other and untethered to a more comprehensive plan intended to help cyclists really get around the city. 

So after exploring these disconnections, I have a theory that there are four different types of disconnections that can be easily fixed to make our cities more bike-friendly. Here they are:

0:00 Introduction
1:15 Roads (pathways) to nowhere
2:30 It was too hard so we gave up
4:29 C'mon cyclists, get real
6:10 WTF Gaps
7:20 The magic that happens when gaps are filled

#cycling #bike #commuting ..."

#OrchardHeightsPark #OrchardHeightsBridge #EtobicokeCreekTrail #DoesCyclingMoveYou #SaugaCommunityRides  #MississaugaCyclingMasterPlan #ActiveTransportation #SafeCycling #Mississauga #walk #bike #parks #publicspace #openstreets #880Cities


  1. Many of these "gaps" could be filled by eliminating the archaic law that makes it "illegal" to ride on sidewalks ... Why not pave sidewalks over with asphalt (to eliminate the bumps) and post them as a "Shared Pathway" with a "Speed Limit" ??? Most sidewalks, especially in North American suburbs, are underused by pedestrians because of the walking distances ... Since sidewalks are already in place, converting them to Shared Pathways is the quickest and most economical solution ... Even in renowned bike-friendly countries like Holland, Shared Pathways are found wherever there isn't room for a separate bike lane.


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