Join in a discussion with Residents and Parents about promoting physical activity and active living in Orchard Heights at: WHO excerpt:
"Governments at the local, regional and national levels are challenged by dramatic increases in the frequency of chronic diseases, obesity and sedentary lifestyles. Physical inactivity is a major contributor to these problems. Physical activity is beneficial to health at all ages. It is especially important to the healthy development of children and young people; active ageing can make a dramatic difference to the well-being of older people. Active living also positively contributes to economic prosperity and social cohesion in cities. Taking part in physical activity increases opportunities for socialization, networking and cultural identity. Promoting physical activity requires the involvement and cooperation of all levels of government (national, regional and local), with clear roles and commitments for each level. Local governments have a crucial role to play in creating environments and opportunities for physical activity and active living. City leaders and other decision-makers can provide leadership, legitimacy and an enabling environment for developing and implementing policies that support active living for all citizens. Peoples’ participation in physical activity is influenced by the built and natural environment in which they live, by the social environment and by personal factors such as gender, age, ability and motivation. Design elements in the built environment, such as street layout, land use, the location of recreation facilities, parks and public buildings and the transport system can either encourage or discourage physical activity. People are more active when they can easily access key destinations such as parks, green spaces, workplaces and shops. Other barriers to active living include fears about crime and road safety, transport emissions and pollution, problems with access and/or a lack of recreation and sport facilities and negative attitudes about physical activity and active transport."


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