Peel Region Active Transportation Plan

HELLO, City of Mississauga Mayor Crombie and Councillors ???

While it's wonderful to peruse the glossy brochures portraying Convenient, Connected, Comfortable and Safe walking, cycling and rolling infrastructure planned for Mississauga, the reality for most people on foot, bikes, skates, etc. after more than a decade of talk at City Hall is still mostly inconvenient, disconnected, uncomfortable and unsafe !!!

For example, see the full report on the Active Transportation Implementation Plan ... :roll:

Purpose of This Report

This 2018—2022 Active Transportation Implementation Plan (ATIP) provides a roadmap for Active Transportation programming over the next five years, in support of the Region of Peel’s new Sustainable Transportation Strategy (STS).

This implementation plan discusses targets to expand existing programs, such as the Region’s successful school travel planning program and school bike rack program. It describes a variety of new strategies to disseminate the educational and promotional information prepared by the Region of Peel to a variety of audiences, to better achieve a range of programming needs. The ATIP has been written for active transportation practitioners in the Region of Peel. This implementation plan discusses targets to expand existing programs and develop new strategies to encourage and support active transportation across Peel Region. The intent is to provide information which will help active transportation practitioners enact the recommendations in the STS. The STS recommendations were founded upon the STS goal of increasing the sustainable mode share to 50%.

NOTE: Join the Orchard Heights Community Forum to discuss this and other topics of interest to Orchard Heights residents.


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