Walk & Roll Peel School Trip Planner

HELLO Mayor Crombie and Mississauga Councillors ??? 

According to the Region of Peel's Trip Planner, walking, biking and rolling options for kids growing up in Orchard Heights and other Mississauga neighbourhoods appear severely limited, forcing most students to ride in cars, school buses or transit ...

How does Mississauga's car-centric infrastructure return the well-documented fitness, health, social and economic benefits of Active Transportation and facilitate initiatives like Peel's "Walk and Bike to School" program?

How does Mississauga's car-centric reliance on fossil fuels address current and future Global Warming issues?   

How many generations of elementary and secondary school cohorts have to miss out on the promised "Connected, Convenient, Comfortable and Safe" infrastructure for riding bikes as a result if the inordinate delays implementing Mississauga's 2010 Cycling Master Plan finally approved in 2018?

Will Mississauga's recent October 2021 Pedestrian Master Plan experience the same decade (and counting) of delays?


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